KK Privacy Notice for Candidates

Thank you for applying for a job with KK Wind Solutions.

1. Data Controller

As part of our recruitment process, KK Wind Solutions (“we”, “us” or “our”) will process your personal data as a candidate collected during our recruitment procedure, as set out in this privacy policy. The data controller and responsible for the processing of your personal data is the legal entity in the KK group to which you apply (the legal entity in the KK group to which you apply will be referred to as "KK Wind Solutions" throughout this document). "KK group" means KK Wind Solutions A/S in Denmark and its (international) subsidiaries and affiliates. A list of all legal entities of the KK group is available here, and you can find more information on the relevant data controller in the posted job opening.

In case of questions regarding the processing of your personal data within the recruitment process or regarding data protection in general, you can contact the respective legal entity responsible for you (i.e. the legal entity in the KK group to which you apply) using the contact details available via the link above or you can send an e-mail to the following central e-mail-address, set up for all candidates from all legal entities of KK group: main@kkwindsolutions.com.

2. How we process your personal data during the recruitment procedure 

2.1. If you seek employment with a KK group entity in Europe1

In order to evaluate your application, we will process the personal data, which you have disclosed in your job application and CV as well as any attachments. We will also evaluate your performance and competencies during potential interviews. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and Member State law, KK Wind Solutions is required to inform you of the legal basis for processing your personal data. For the purpose of comply with the GDPR and Member State law, the legal basis for our processing of your personal data is your application for execution of an employment contract with KK Wind Solutions, cf. Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR and our legitimate interest in processing the information you have given us, cf. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR and/or other applicable laws.

Further, we might search the internet for relevant and available information, including content from social media (only from vocationally-oriented networks). We will typically search for information regarding your previous jobs, activities, competencies, performance, as well as your general appearance. We process your personal data on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as we have a legitimate interest in finding the most suitable candidates for the position.

If and insofar the job position to be filled requires it and it is also otherwise permissible under data protection law, you may have to complete personality tests or similar. You will be informed hereof when we have processed your application. The results of such tests will be treated confidentially but will be included in our evaluation of your application. Our legal basis for such processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.

We may also request that you provide us with a copy of your criminal record and statement of no previous convictions in respect of children depending on the position for which you are applying. We may only request such information and documents from you and you are only required to submit them if and to the extent that this is relevant for the position to be filled. Such information and documents will also be treated confidentially. The legal basis for such processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, noting that such processing will only be permissible in exceptional cases if KK Wind has an overriding interest therein.

As part of our evaluation of you and your application, we may wish to take references from your previous and/or current employers. We will only take up references from persons you have explicitly stated in your job application or have informed us of. Our legal basis for such processing is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, whereas our legitimate interests in the processing of such data is to gain information on you as an employee, or if you have consented hereto in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.

If the position in question involves financial responsibilities (e.g. bookkeeping or accounting), we might – after a concrete assessment – collect and use information about your credit information and rating. This is only permissible in exceptional cases if and to the extent KK Wind Solutions has an overriding interest in knowing about your financial status. Our legal basis for such processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR and/or other applicable laws, whereas our legitimate interests in the processing of such data is to ensure that you are financially responsible.

We recommend that you do not disclose sensitive personal data, such as information revealing racial or ethnic origin, religion, trade union membership, sexual orientation, health, etc. in your application. In the unlikely event that a certain health condition is required for the ability to perform the duties related to the position in question, we might – after a concrete assessment – request health information from you. In such case we will ask for your consent, whereas our legal basis for such processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(a) and Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR.

We may also process your personal data for the purpose of establishment or defense of legal claims - our overriding legitimate interest according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR provides the legal basis for this data processing. Our legitimate interest is to pursue the purposes referred in the previous sentence.

The provision of your personal data is not mandatory, however, if you do not provide us with your personal data, we may be unable to process your job application.

Your personal data will not be used by us for automated decision making, including profiling.

2.1.1. If you seek employment with a KK group entity in Europe

If you apply for a job with KK Wind Solutions in Poland, we will process your name, date of birth, contact details indicated by you and other personal data, which you have disclosed in your job application, CV and any attachments as well as evaluate your performance and competencies during potential interviews in order to evaluate your application. The legal basis for our processing of such personal data is your application for execution of an employment contract with KK Wind Solutions in Poland, cf. Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR and our legitimate interest in processing the information you have given us, cf. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. We also process such personal data based on and to the extent we are obliged to so under the Polish labor law. The legal basis for our processing in this respect is our necessity to fulfil a legal obligation connected with the given recruitment process cf. Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR.

Any additional personal data will only be processed if you have provided your consent for the processing of such personal data, cf. Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. The same applies for processing of your personal data for future job openings.

We recommend that you do not disclose sensitive personal data, such as information revealing racial or ethnic origin, religion, trade union membership, sexual orientation, health, etc. in your application. However, if you decide to disclose such data our legal basis for processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(a) and Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR. In the unlikely event that a certain health condition is required for the ability to perform the duties related to the position in question, we might – after a concrete assessment – request health information from you. In such case our legal basis for such processing of personal data is Article 9(2)(b) of the GDPR.

We may also process your personal data for the purpose of establishment or defense of legal claims - our overriding legitimate interest according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR provides the legal basis for this data processing. Our legitimate interest is to pursue the purposes referred in the previous sentence.

The provision of your personal data is not mandatory, however, if you do not provide us with your personal data, we may be unable to process your job application.

Your personal data will not be used by us for automated decision making, including profiling.

2.2. If you apply for a job with a KK group entity in Mainland China

In order to evaluate your application, we will process the personal data, which you have disclosed in your job application and CV as well as any attachments and information obtained references from your previous and/or current employers. We will also evaluate your performance and competencies during potential interviews. In addition, we may ask you to complete personality tests or similar or provideus with a copy of your criminal record, depending on the position for which you are applying. Results of personality tests and copies of criminal records will be treated confidentially. If the position in question involves financial responsibilities (e.g. bookkeeping or accounting), we might – after a concrete assessment – collect information about your credit information and rating. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data is your consent, cf. Article 13.(1) of the Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) if you are located in Mainland China.

Further, we might search the internet for relevant and available information, including content from social media. We will typically search for information regarding your previous jobs, activities, competencies, performance, as well as your general appearance. We process your personal data on the basis of Article 13.(6) of the PIPL, since such data are collected by searching publicly available information on the internet.

We recommend that you do not disclose sensitive personal data, such as information revealing racial or ethnic origin, religion, trade union membership, sexual orientation, health, etc. in your application. In the unlikely event that a certain health condition is required for the ability to perform the duties related to the position in question, we might – after a concrete assessment – request health information from you. If you are located in Mainland China, we will process your sensitive personal data (incl. health information) on the basis of your consent to the addendum “Processing Personal Sensitive Data of Mainland China Candidate”, cf. Article 13.(1)  and Article 29 of the PIPL.

If you are located in Mainland China, we may process your personal data for the purpose of establishment or defense of legal claims that you are involved in. The legal basis for such processing is “performing statutory duties/obligations”, cf. Article 13.(3) of the PIPL; for legal claims that you are not involved -  the legal basis is your consent, cf. Article 13.(1) of the PIPL.

The provision of your personal data is not mandatory, however, if you do not provide us with your personal data, we may be unable to process your job application.

Your personal data will not be used by us for automated decision making, including profiling.

2.3. If you apply for a job with a KK group entity in India or Taiwan

KK Wind Solutions will only collect and process personal data about you, which is considered necessary in relation to the recruitment process when you apply for a job with KK Wind Solutions. If you apply for a job with a KK group entity in India or Taiwan, we will process your personal data on the basis of your consent. If you do not provide us with your personal data, you may be ineligible for hiring, assuming certain job duties/positions, or receiving relevant employee benefits.


3. Our storage of your personal data 

If you are offered a position with KK Wind Solutions, your application and additional relevant personal data obtained during the recruitment procedure will be stored in your employee file held by the KK entity with which you are employed, In addition, your employee file may be handled by employees in other KK group entities which provide HR assistance to the KK group entity with which you are employed.

If you are not offered a position, we will store your application and any additional personal data obtained during the recruitment procedure for a period of 6 months following our rejection, unless you have provided your consent to the storage hereof for a longer period.

If you you want us to store your application and CV for the purpose of future job openings, you must provide us with your consent. In such a case we will keep your CV until you withdraw your consent or until 1 year passes as of the date we received your application (whichever occurs earlier).


4. Recipients of your personal data 

During the recruitment process, only those KK Wind Solutions employees (including employees of other legal entities of KK Group) who are directly involved in the recruitment process have access to the candidate's information.

Your personal data may be made available to third parties when providing relevant services to KK Wind Solutions or by other means process personal data on behalf of KK Wind Solutions such as service and hosting providers. Such service providers will only process the personal data exclusively for the purposes of the recruitment process as well as on basis of a data processor agreement and in accordance with our instructions.

Some of your personal data will be shared with other legal entities of KK Group exclusively for the purposes of the recruitment process. The legal basis for disclosing some of your personal data with other legal entities of KK group is our legitimate interests in recruiting for and across the entire KK group.

If you are located in Mainland China, the personal data disclosed to our group companies will be limited to a scope of strictly necessary for the performance of our legal duties/obligations, cf. Article (3) of the PIPL, or for the response to a public health emergency or for the protection of the life, health and property safety of a natural person in an emergency, cf. Article (4) of the PIPL; we will not disclose your personal data beyond the aforesaid scope unless we obtain your consent in this regard.

We may also share your personal data with other third parties such as:

  • Providers of tests (if you are located in Mainland China, we share your personal data with the providers on the legal basis of your consent), e.g. personality tests
  • External advisors (if you are located in Mainland China, we share your personal data with advisors on the legal basis of your consent)
  • Public authorities as required by applicable laws

If your personal data is transferred to data processors which are established in countries outside the EU/EEA, including KK group entities, that do not ensure an adequate level of data protection, such transfer will be based on the EU Commission’s standard contractual clauses which you have a right to access.

If you are located in Mainland China and your personal data is transferred to data controllers or data processors which are in countries/regions outside Mainland China, including group entities, such transfer will be based on the applicable cross-border data transfer mechanisms required by the PIPL. You shall also consent to the addendum “Cross Border Data Transfer - Mainland China Candidate”.


5. Your rights

Any consent that you may have provided during the recruitment procedure may be withdrawn at any time. The withdrawal of your consent will affect the future processing of your personal data but will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. If you wish to withdraw a consent, you may contact us as stated below.

You have a right of access to the personal data processed about you, subject to certain statutory exceptions. Furthermore, you have the right to object to the processing and request restriction of the processing of your personal data. In addition, you also have the right to request rectification, including completion if necessary or that your personal data is deleted subject to certain exceptions.

In certain situations, you may also request that we provide you with a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and request us to transmit such personal data which you have provided us with to another data controller.

If you want to exercise any of your rights, if you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or the processing of your personal data, please contact the legal entity in the KK group to which you apply (you can find a list of all contact details here) or send an e-mail to the following central e-mail-address, set up for all applicants from all legal entities of KK group: main@kkwindsolutions.com.

The KK entity in which you apply for a job is data controller for the processing of your personal data. Our headquarters is in Ikast, Denmark and our parent company is KK Wind Solutions A/S. KK Wind Solutions A/S and the company in which you apply for a job are independently data controllers for the processing of your personal data, but if you have any trouble finding the data controller, you can always contact KK Wind Solutions A/S and the contact information follows below:

 Email: main@kkwindsolutions.com

Telephone number: +45 96 92 43 00

If you have any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the legal entity in the KK group to which you apply (you can find a list of all contact details here) or via the general e-mail set up for all applicants from all legal entities: main@kkwindsolutions.com. You may also file a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority in your country. A list of relevant supervisory authorities can be found here


Transfer of Personal Data to Other Data Controllers, including Cross-Border Data Transfer - Mainland China Candidate


Subsidiaries in Mainland China receiving personal data from the data controller you are employed with: See list of KK group entities here.

  • Recruitment management
  • Remote access
  • Electronic data transmission
Any information as stated in section 2.2 above.

Cegid AS, 25-27 Rue d'Astorg, 75008 Paris, France

  • Providing recruitment platform on website
  • Remote access
  • Electronic data transmission
Any information as stated in section 2.2 above.

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, South County Business Park, One Microsoft Place, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin D18 P521, Ireland

  • Providing platform for storage of candidate information
  • Providing email platform for communication
  • Remote access
  • Electronic data transmission
Any information as stated in section 2.2 above.

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

  • Providing recruitment platform/recruitment through LinkedIn recruitment functionality
  • Remote access 
  • Electronic data transmission
Contact information, application, CV


I hereby confirm that I have read the content of the information notice and I understand that my personal data is being processed accordingly. If you are seeking employment with our KK group entities in Mainland China, Taiwan or India, you also consent to your personal data, including any sensitive personal data provided by you, being collected, processed, stored, disclosed or transferred accordingly. If you are seeking employment in Mainland China, you do, in addition, consent to KK Wind Solutions providing your personal data to other data controllers and transferring your personal data to recipients in countries/regions outside Mainland China in accordance with the information notice and the addendum Transfer of Personal Data to Other Data Controllers - Mainland China Candidate.

If you want us to take your CV into a consideration during future recruitment processes in the KK group, please include the following consent in your application:

“I hereby consent that KK Wind Solutions stores my personal data collected during the recruitment procedure for 1 year in order to be eligible for relevant vacancies with the KK group in the future.” 

If you apply for a job with KK Wind Solutions in Poland, the below subsection „If you apply for a job with KK Wind Solutions in Poland” fully describes the purposes of processing and grounds under which KK Wind Solutions in Poland will process your personal data. The general information included in this section does not apply to you in such a case.